18 July 2012
UNDP Adaptation Bulletin Spotlights Initiatives in Asia-Pacific
story highlights

The ninth issue of the UNDP Climate Change Adaptation Bulletin highlights initiatives to enhance adaptive capacity in Asia-Pacific; strengthen climate early warning systems (EWS) and improve climate forecasting across Africa; and initiate adaptation interventions to enhance climate resilience in Sudan.

Its Asia-Pacific spotlight includes stories from the Philippines, Maldives, Tuvalu, Solomon Islands, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu.

UNDP13 July 2012: The UN Development Programme (UNDP) has released the ninth issue of its quarterly Climate Change Adaptation Bulletin, which features stories on UNDP support to: enhance adaptive capacity in Asia-Pacific; strengthen climate early warning systems (EWS) across Africa; and enhance adaptation interventions in Sudan.

The Asia-Pacific spotlight includes stories on: integrated climate financing to increase farmer resilience to climate risks and reduce poverty in Mindanao, the Philippines; integrated, multi-sectoral approaches to promote adaptation in Maldives, including climate-smart planning and investment and freshwater management; decentralized approaches to help communities identify adaptation needs as part of existing development planning and budgeting processes in Tuvalu; a workshop in the Solomon Islands to promote innovative information and communication technology (ICT) tools, including participatory three-dimensional modeling for communication and planning. This section also includes links to videos on adaptation initiatives in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu and Vanuatu, as well as a photo story on promoting climate-resilient water and agricultural management in Cambodia.

The Bulletin describes UNDP support to strengthen EWS and improve climate forecasting in Africa, noting that many African countries identified EWS as a priority action under their National Adaptation Programmes of Actions (NAPAs). This initiative will also improve communication of climate information to enable risk management and planning.

The Bulletin highlights UNDP support for adaptation initiatives in Northern and Central Sudan, including enhancing climate resilience through raising awareness on diverse farming practices and planting shelterbelts to maintain soil moisture and reduce sand encroachment. Additional adaptation interventions include rehabilitating wells and installing solar pumps to irrigate community farms.

The Bulletin also includes recent concept and project approvals and a status update of UNDP-supported adaptation initiatives.

The the Climate Change Adaptation Bulletin is produced by the UNDP Global Environment Facility (GEF) Unit of UNDP’s Environment and Energy Group. It provides an overview of UNDP-GEF’s support to affect policy and institutional change for climate change adaptation at the national, sub-national and community levels. [Publication: UNDP Climate Change Adaptation Bulletin Issue 9]


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