26 September 2013
UNDG Spotlights ‘Million Voices’ on Post-2015
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The UN Development Group (UNDG) presented the key messages from its recent report on the consultations on the post-2015 development agenda, at a high-level side event on the margins of the 68th UN General Assembly (UNGA).

'A Million Voices: The World We Want,' was released on 10 September.

UNDG23 September 2013: The UN Development Group (UNDG) presented the key messages from its recent report on the consultations on the post-2015 development agenda, at a high-level side event on the margins of the 68th UN General Assembly (UNGA). ‘A Million Voices: The World We Want,’ was released on 10 September.

At the event, which took place on 23 September 2013, at UN Headquarters in New York, US, Helen Clark, UNDG Chair, presented the report and welcomed the worldwide conversation on development priorities that the UN system had facilitated. She described their intention of reaching out to people often excluded from policy debates, and said that the voices of these people should be reflected in a “bold new agenda.”

She highlighted four key messages of the report, explaining that people want: to tackle the unfinished business of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); a more ambitious agenda that reflects equality, security, accountability, and sustainability; a transformational and universal agenda; and to stay engaged in the political process going forward. Clark encouraged UN Member States to respond directly to these opinions, saying this will “generate the kind of public ownership which could turn the world’s aspirations into action.”

Amina Mohammed, Special Adviser of the UN Secretary-General on Post-2015, praised the report and welcomed the “unprecedented global conversation” on which it is based. Mohammed said the UN will continue to bring the voices of the people to the table, and that this window of participation will remain open to Member State capitals.

Milo Dukanović, Prime Minister of Montenegro, said a new development agenda must be based on the principles of sustainable development. He described Montenegro’s national consultations with citizens about ‘The Montenegro I Want,’ and said the national and international efforts complement each other.

Fumio Kishida, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Japan, called for a human-centered approach for the development agenda, focused on the protection and empowerment of individuals. He highlighted universal health coverage and disaster resilience as important priorities.

Pascal Canfin, Minister of Development, France, hailed UNDG’s coordination work, and shared in the desire to “give all citizens the opportunity to express their hopes for a better society.” He recalled France’s role as a co-sponsor of the global thematic conversation on environmental sustainability in the post-2015 development agenda. Canfin expressed his hope to continue a dialogue with civil society, saying that the beneficiaries of the agenda should also be its “co-authors.”

Alicia Barcena, Chair of the UN Regional Economic Commissions, spoke of the difficult era that the world is now facing with hope. “A million voices are telling us that our generation has the unprecedented opportunity to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger,” she said. The world cannot forget the million voices that contributed to the consultations, she noted, urging Member States to be accountable to them and engage them in decision making.

Monique Coleman, Global Youth Adviser, said that with over half of consultation participants being people under 30, the report is “by and for young people.” She highlighted the top priorities of youth, including access to quality education, freedom from violence, and environmental sustainability. Coleman said young people “don’t just want to be asked what should be in the agenda, they want to be part of making it happen.”

These statements were followed by a discussion with Member States and civil society representatives. A dialogue also occurred simultaneously online, where participants watched the event webcast and submitted comments via social media. [Publication: A Million Voices: The World We Want] [World We Want Consultations Website] [IISD RS Story on Report Launch] [IISD RS Sources]

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