30 June 2010
UNCSD Workshop Series Underway
story highlights

May 2010: As part of the UN Division for Sustainable Development’s (DSD) Sustainable Development Knowledge Partnership, the DSD co-organized a workshop titled “The Challenge of Sustainablity: A Workshop in Preparation for Rio+20.” The event took place on 8-10 May 2010, in New York, US, in parallel to the Commission on Sustainable Development, and served as […]

May 2010: As part of the UN Division for Sustainable Development’s (DSD) Sustainable Development Knowledge Partnership, the DSD co-organized a workshop titled “The Challenge of Sustainablity: A Workshop in Preparation for Rio+20.” The event took place on 8-10 May 2010, in New York, US, in parallel to the Commission on Sustainable Development, and served as an introduction to a UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, also known as Rio+20) workshop series. The workshop sought to foster discussion on the possibility of global sustainable growth based on absolute decoupling of growth from additional inputs of material resources and the desirability of growth. [http://www.un.org/esa/dsd/dsd_aofw_sdkp/sdkp_uncsd_workshop_0510.shtml]

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