3 May 2011
UNCSD Bureau Discusses Guidelines for Zero Draft Submissions, Study of Nairobi-Helsinki Outcome
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At its 15th meeting, the UNCSD Bureau discussed: the need for guidelines on submissions to the compilation document for the UNCSD outcome “zero draft”; the study requested on the Nairobi-Helsinki Outcome and the view of "EC-ESA Plus" that it would be feasible to undertake the study; and a broader study on the institutional framework on sustainable development to be conducted by the UNCSD Secretariat.

18 April 2011: The Bureau for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) held its 15th meeting on 18 April 2011.

The Bureau discussed the need for guidelines on submissions to the compilation document for the UNCSD outcome “zero draft”; the study requested by the Governing Council of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) on its Nairobi-Helsinki Outcome, and the view of “EC-ESA Plus” that it would be feasible to undertake the study; a broader study on the institutional framework for sustainable development (IFSD) to be conducted by the UNCSD Secretariat; the lack of response to the joint proposal by the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) to support national preparations for the UNCSD; logistical arrangements in Brazil; and the Organization of Work for the UNCSD.

In the second half of May, on a date to be announced, the Bureau will meet with international financial institutions (IFIs) in Washington, DC. In July the Bureau will meet with the Principals of UN system organizations, on the margins of the substantive session of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

Finally, the composition of the Bureau was changed for the second year of the preparatory process, with Keith H. Christie (Canada) replacing John Matuszak (US). This change had been anticipated when the regions originally selected their Bureau members. The Bureau’s 16th meeting is scheduled for 6 June. [Minutes of 15th Meeting]