The UN’s 75th anniversary initiative (UN75) has yielded preliminary findings from data collected in the first three months of 2020 regarding how people around the world view international cooperation.

The UN75 Office coordinated collection of the data from 186 countries between 1 January 2020 and 24 March 2020 through over 330 conversations in 87 countries, and a one-minute survey available in 53 languages (35,556 responses online and 5,688 through mobile applications). The data being collected through the survey and dialogues will be complemented by: representative polling; academic research; and media and social media analysis in approximately 70 countries. 

People believe climate and environment will most affect humanity’s future, the preliminary data show.

According to the UN75 Office’s publication titled, ‘Resolved to Combine our Efforts: Preliminary Assessment of the UN75 Survey and Dialogues,’ the data collected in early 2020 indicate overwhelming support for countries to work together on managing global trends, and this support increased beginning in late February – which coincides with the spread of COVID-19 around the world. This support was expressed by all age groups and education levels.

Analyzing the responses also shows that people believe climate and environment will most affect humanity’s future. These two issues were selected more than double the rate of any other issue. The UN press release notes that conflict and violence came second, and health risks came third, having risen sharply since early March.

UN75 is a year-long global consultation to involve people in shaping priorities for international institutions. The results will be presented at the official commemoration of the UN’s 75th anniversary in September 2020. In January 2021, the UN75 Office will publish a final report on how best to take the results forward.

Meanwhile, on the part of governments, negotiations are underway on the political declaration to be adopted at the commemoration of the 75th anniversary. Civil society groups will launch a UN75 People’s Declaration and Plan of Action during a multimedia global videoconference on 14 May 2020, the UN75 People’s Forum for the UN We Need. [Publication: Resolved to Combine our Efforts: Preliminary Assessment of the UN75 Survey and Dialogues] [News and updates on UN75 Initiative




