21 November 2008
UN Secretary-General: African Industrialization Can Help Tackle Climate Change
story highlights

20 November 2008: In a message marking Africa Industrialization Day, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for strengthening African industry so that it can “play its rightful, catalytic role” and help overcome the current triple financial, food and climate crises as well as make critical progress on eradicating poverty.

Noting the accelerating impacts of climate change […]

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 20 November 2008: In a message marking Africa Industrialization
Day, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for strengthening African industry
so that it can “play its rightful, catalytic role” and help overcome the
current triple financial, food and climate crises as well as make critical
progress on eradicating poverty.

Noting the accelerating impacts of climate
change and the higher price of food and fertilizers, he underlined the
timeliness of the theme for this year’s observance “Processing of Raw Materials
for Sustainable Growth and Development.” [UN
Press Release
] [The

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