15 April 2009
UN Secretary-General Addresses Green Growth in Korean Herald Op-Ed
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13 April 2009: In an op-ed column published in the Korean Herald, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stated that this year presents the opportunity to address “the two most vexing challenges of our time,” namely climate change and the economic crisis, at the same time.

He explained that solutions to address climate change can catalyze green […]

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon13 April 2009: In an op-ed column published in the Korean Herald, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stated that this year presents the opportunity to address “the two most vexing challenges of our time,” namely climate change and the economic crisis, at the same time. He explained that solutions to address climate change can catalyze green growth, the foundation for long-term economic prosperity.

He stressed the need for global solidarity to fight climate change, highlighting that scientists warn that it is accelerating at a more rapid pace and scale than anticipated. Ban underscored the urgency to take action, noting the need for financial support to developing countries. He also called for leadership at the highest level to address climate change, and emphasized the importance of reaching agreement on a new climate framework in Copenhagen in December 2009. Ban highlighted that the economic crisis presents an opportunity to redirect stimulus packages to finance the transition to a low-carbon economy and praised the efforts made to that end by the Republic of Korea. He concluded by stating that the Republic of Korea can serve as a bridge between industrialized and developing countries by setting ambitious emission reductions goals for itself and serving as a model for other emerging economies. [The Op-Ed]

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