18 December 2008
UN Secretary-General: 2009 Will Be “The Year of Climate Change”
story highlights

17 December 2008: In his last press conference for 2008, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned that the coming year promises to be as difficult as 2008, which he called “the year of multiple crises.” He added that 2009 will be “the year of climate change” and noted progress made in Poznań, Poland, at the UNFCCC […]

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 17 December 2008: In his last press conference for 2008, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned that the coming year promises to be as difficult as 2008, which he called “the year of multiple crises.” He added that 2009 will be “the year of climate change” and noted progress made in Poznań, Poland, at the UNFCCC conference.

In this respect, he highlighted delegates’ exchange of views on a
shared vision for long-term cooperation and agreement on: a work plan,
making the Adaptation Fund operational; and the need for a “Green New
Deal.” He stressed that little time remains before the Copenhagen
Climate Change Conference in December 2009, when delegates must reach a
global climate change deal that is “balanced, comprehensive and
ratifiable by all nations.” He welcomed the commitment demonstrated by
the EU with the recent agreement on its climate and energy package and
noted that the new US President also promises “bold new leadership.”
Ban indicated that he would convene a climate change summit at the
beginning of the 64th General Assembly, but noted that world leaders
will most likely need to meet before then to “fulfil [their]
responsibilities to the planet and its people.” [UN Press Release]