21 April 2011
UN-REDD Newsletter Reports on Policy Board Meeting
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The March/April edition of the UN-REDD Programme newsletter features articles on: the March 2011 Policy Board meeting held in Da Lat, Viet Nam; UN-REDD Programme's draft Social and Environmental Principles and Criteria; the upcoming Tropical Forest Summit in Brazzaville; and several new reports.

UNREDD Newsletter20 April 2011: The UN-REDD Programme has released the March/April edition of its newsletter, which features an article on the March 2011 Policy Board meeting held in Da Lat, Viet Nam, where partner country representatives, civil society organizations and donors spoke to the UN-REDD Programme about their evolving commitment to REDD+ and the value of their partnership with the Programme.

The newsletter includes articles on: the UN-REDD Programme’s draft Social and Environmental Principles and Criteria; the Programme’s support to indigenous peoples and civil society representatives to participate in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) “Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation and Capacity-Building Workshop on REDD+, including on Relevant Biodiversity Safeguards;” the upcoming Tropical Forest Summit in Brazzaville, Congo, which will focus on sustainable management of rainforests; a REDD+ Partnership Rewarding Meeting held in Bangkok, Thailand; and several new reports, including the Programme’s 2010 Year in Review, a report on monitoring reporting and verification (MRV) for REDD+ in Tanzania, and a full report from the Programme’s FPIC workshop in Africa. [Publication: UN-REDD Newsletter, Issue 17]