18 May 2011
UN Programmes and Partners Launch Online Platform for Adaptation and Mitigation Innovation and Technology
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The online platform ClimateTechWiki currently offers in-depth information on: mitigation and adaptation technologies; technology case studies; information on the application of technology under the CDM; and a user forum to facilitate a "community of technology practitioners."

12 May 2011: The UN Development Programme (UNDP), in collaboration with the UN Environment Programme Risoe Centre (UNEP Risoe), the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP), the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) and the Joint Implementation Network (JIN, the Netherlands), have created ClimateTechWiki, an online platform to support adaptation and mitigation innovation and technology.

The ClimateTechWiki currently offers: in-depth information on mitigation and adaptation technologies; technology case studies; information on the application of technology under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM); and a user forum to facilitate a “community of technology practitioners.” Noting that the site is a “work in progress,” its collaborators are inviting feedback, particularly on: additional informational needs that could be met by ClimateTechWiki; additional functions that it might fulfill; potential new user groups for the website; and potential partners who would be interested in contributing to this online platform.

The online platform is complemented by the search engine “REEGLE,” which offers information on renewables, energy efficiency and climate change. REEGLE is maintained by ClimateTechWiki partner REEEP and by REN21. [ClimateTeckWiki Website] [Send feedback to: info@climatetechwiki.org]

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