16 October 2008
UN Deputy Secretary-General Calls for Giving “Dedicated Attention” to Climate Change
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14 October 2008: UN Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro presented the Secretary-General’s proposal for strengthening the development pillar of the UN Secretariat to the Fifth Committee of the General Assembly, which deals with administrative and budgetary matters, Underlining the importance of concerted international action in addressing development challenges, she stressed the intensifying effects of climate change, […]

Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro 14 October 2008: UN Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose
Migiro presented the Secretary-General’s proposal for strengthening the
development pillar of the UN Secretariat to the Fifth Committee of the General
Assembly, which deals with administrative and budgetary matters, Underlining
the importance of concerted international action in addressing development
challenges, she stressed the intensifying effects of climate change, the food
and energy crises, and the global financial turmoil.

She warned that progress
achieved towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals may be undone and
called for “dedicated attention” to be given to “climate change, innovative
financing, international migration and development, violence against women and
indigenous issues.” [UN Press Release]

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