The UNFCCC launched the first joint work programme of the Technology Mechanism for 2023-2027, cementing a long-term collaboration between the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) and the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) to ratchet up the impact of the Technology Mechanism. The launch comes following a dialogue with innovation leaders.

The joint work programme will focus on “high-potential sectors and high-potential actions” across water, energy, food, industry, and other systems.

During the 9 November launch event at the Sharm el-Sheikh Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 27), Daniele Violetti, UNFCCC Secretariat, emphasized that innovation is central to increasing energy efficiency, decarbonizing industry, and enhancing public-private partnerships (PPPs). Omedi Moses Jura, CTCN, said climate innovation labs in Africa, Latin America, and other regions are exploring how to develop and scale up innovative thinking about climate solutions. Ambrosio Yobanolo del Real, TEC Chair, noted the TEC’s engagement with state and non-state actors to establish national systems of innovation.

In his keynote remarks, Bertrand Piccard, Solar Impulse Foundation, emphasized that too often climate action is erroneously viewed as detrimental to economic growth. He recalled circumnavigating the globe in the entirely solar-powered Solar Impulse and reflecting on how the world passing below the aircraft was living in the past, still reliant on wasteful technologies and energy systems.

A panel discussion on the importance and dynamics of innovation focused on:

  • transformations required to transition to clean energy and sustainable development, such as “deep demonstrations,” which create reinforcing cycles of progress by finding and establishing connections between such things as forests, buildings, carbon sinks, health, and urban planning to create integrated solutions;
  • technological interventions related to adaptation tailored to local circumstances; and
  • efficiency as the key element to saving the planet and money that can then be reinvested in innovative and efficient technologies.

The event was organized by the TEC and the CTCN

An event on the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP) also convened. The SGP, which is celebrating its 30th year of empowering civil society and local communities to address environmental challenges and sustainable development issues, has delivered more than USD 720 million in funding to over 27,000 community-based projects across 136 countries.

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) is covering selected side events at the Sharm el-Sheikh Climate Change Conference in Egypt, which runs through 18 November 2022.