Delegates attending the third session of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group (OEWG 3) on a Science-Policy Panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution were unable to reach consensus on the “foundational document” that would outline the basic structure of the science-policy panel (SPP) – the expected outcome of the negotiating session that was supposed to be final.

The OEWG agreed to hold a resumed session of the meeting immediately before the intergovernmental meeting, during which ministers are expected to consider and adopt the foundational document for the panel.

The meeting took place against the backdrop of growing risks chemicals, waste, and pollution pose to human health and the environment. According to the Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) summary report of the session, “[s]cientists are still trying to fully grasp the extent and complexity of these threats.”

ENB cites UN Environment Programme (UNEP) data that find “there are 6,000 industrial chemicals that account for more than 99% of the volume of chemicals used commercially,” while other sources show “over 350,000 chemicals and mixtures registered in government inventories.” With production expected to double by 2030 from 2017 levels, it is anticipated the future SPP will address the “gaps in scientific knowledge about the burden our bodies and ecosystems bear from chemicals and waste pollution.”

The OEWG agreed to forward two conference room papers (CRPs) to the resumed session of the meeting. One CRP is a draft decision on recommendations to the governing body (UNEP/SPP-CWP/OEWG.3/CRP.3), containing four annexes with:

  • Draft rules of procedure;
  • A draft process for determining the work programme, including prioritization;
  • Draft procedures for the preparation and clearance of the panel deliverables; and
  • A draft conflict of interest (CoI) policy, as considered at OEWG 3.

The second CRP is a draft decision on recommendations to the intergovernmental meeting (UNEP/SPP-CWP/OEWG.3/CRP.4). Annexed to it is the foundational document.

The draft financial procedures are to be forwarded to the resumed session as an information document.

During OEWG 3, delegates considered a proposal for a joint panel secretariat to be hosted by UNEP and the World Health Organization (WHO). This proposal, ENB notes, “caused discussions on institutional arrangements to stall” on the issue of the secretariat’s host.

“Many of the divisions that ultimately blocked consensus,” ENB reports, “revolved around issues of tailoring the panel [to] the issues related to pollution from chemicals and waste, who would control its decisions, and [whom it would] serve.” The most contentious issues, as identified in the ENB analysis of the meeting, included agreeing on the scope of the panel, decision-making procedures, provision of secretariat services, and engagement of observers.

OEWG 3 convened in Geneva, Switzerland, from 17-21 June 2024. [ENB Coverage of OEWG 3]



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