19 November 2010
SPREP Releases Draft Regional Report on Climate Financing
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The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) has issued a draft report on the mobilization of climate change funding in the Pacific region, which identifies options for more effective delivery of climate funds to Pacific countries, including a possible Pacific regional fund for climate change.

16 November 2010: The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) has issued a draft report on the future of climate financing in the Pacific region, calling for review comments.
 The draft report identifies options for more effective delivery of climate funds to Pacific countries, including a possible Pacific regional fund for climate change.

The report makes recommendations for a technical backstopping facility in the region to help countries access funds for climate change. SPREP Director David Sheppard drew attention to the need to identify options to ensure that funding commitments made at the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference are met and delivered quickly to help Pacific countries adapt to climate change.

 SPREP Climate Change Adviser Espen Ronneberg underscored the need for technical and capacity support mechanism “even if fast start financing does not happen in the near future.” The draft report is expected to be reviewed by SPREP national focal points, climate change experts and regional organizations. SPREP will collect and synthesize comments into a new revised report, to be discussed at the 2011 Pacific Climate Change Roundtable scheduled for March 2011 in Niue. [SPREP Press release] [Draft Report]

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