21 July 2010
Rotterdam Convention Convenes Training for Near-East and Asia
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June 2010: The Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention convened subregional training for parties in the Near East and Asian regions during June.

The Asian subregional training convened from 7-11 June 2010, in Hanoi City, Viet Nam, and included training and awareness-raising for Designated National Authorities (DNAs) and a pilot session on the clearing-house mechanism.

The […]

June 2010: The Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention convened subregional training for parties in the Near East and Asian regions during June. The Asian subregional training convened from 7-11 June 2010, in Hanoi City, Viet Nam, and included training and awareness-raising for Designated National Authorities (DNAs) and a pilot session on the clearing-house mechanism. The subregional consultation to revise the National Action Plan or strategy for the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention for the Near East (including Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen) convened from 20-24 June 2010, in Aleppo, Syria. A key outcome of the meeting was that participating countries will be given the opportunity to organize and convene national follow-up seminars. [Rotterdam Convention website]

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