23 October 2012
REEEP Launches Tool for Automatic Tagging and Linking of Online Energy Resources
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The tool can scan the energy-related content of a site into which it is integrated, tag the documents and web content, and make suggestions for other content on the web that has been indexed by the tool, which facilitates searching and increases outreach of energy-related content.

18 October 2012: The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) has released a new tagging tool for online renewable energy, energy efficiency and climate-relevant resources, which aims to make online content more easily searchable and interconnected.

When integrated into a website, the tool, an “application programming interface” (API), will automatically scan the content of the site, identify relevant terms and concepts, and tag the documents and web content. The API also makes suggestions for other content from web resources already indexed by the API. In this way, all resources linked to the site will be easier to search for and have a larger outreach. Florian Bauer, REEEP Operations and Information Technology Director, notes that “this will help make major depositories of existing information open and accessible, and help promote clean, low-carbon development in the process.”

The tool is currently available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and German. It was developed by REEEP, the US Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), weADAPT, and eldis, and funded by the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN). [REEEP Press Release] [API Tool]

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