17 October 2012
PIFS Reports on EU Consultation on 11th European Development Fund
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According to PIFS, the consultations on the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) regional programming for the Pacific region highlighted the need to: link regional initiatives to national priorities to improve ownership of regional projects and maximize project impacts; ensure the effective and inclusive involvement of non-state actors in the programming exercise; and coordinate among international, regional and national implementing agencies.

PIFS12 October 2012: The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) has reported on the outcomes of the first consultation with the EU on the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) regional programming for the Pacific region. The meeting convened in Suva, Fiji, from 11-12 October 2012.

According to PIFS, the meeting noted that regionalism in the Pacific has provided many success stories, calling for further efforts to build on these achievements. The consultative discussions highlighted the need to: link regional initiatives to national priorities to improve ownership of regional projects and maximize project impacts; ensure the effective and inclusive involvement of non-state actors in the programming exercise; and coordinate among international, regional and national implementing agencies to enhance synergies among the development partners in the context of aid effectiveness.

Participants also underscored the importance of: leadership and good governance in the region; continued efforts to support the Pacific’s capacity to effectively engage in the planning and execution of the development programmes; and collaboration among the African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Countries and the Overseas Countries and Territories in the Pacific to expand regional integration through improved sharing of expertise and technical know-how. The consultation also stressed that the Pacific Plan is the appropriate framework for determining priorities and strategies at the regional level, and will serve to support the prioritization exercise under the 11th EDF programming.

PIFS indicated that the drafting of the 11th EDF Pacific Regional Indicative Programme is expected to be completed by mid-2013, and approved by the EU by late 2013. [PIFS Press Release]

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