20 October 2008
Pacific Year of Climate Change 2009 Launched
story highlights

17 October 2008: The Pacific Climate Change Roundtable, which took place from 13-17 October 2008, in Apia, Samoa, was organized by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP).

Participants from all over the Pacific region, from academia, NGOs, donor agencies and countries, shared information on ongoing and planned climate change activities in the […]

Pacific Climate Change Roundtable 17 October 2008: The Pacific Climate Change Roundtable, which took place from 13-17 October 2008, in Apia, Samoa, was organized by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP).

Participants from all over the Pacific region, from academia, NGOs, donor agencies and countries, shared information on ongoing and planned climate change activities in the region. They prepared an inventory of activities that will eventually become a matrix and database of activities for the Pacific Climate Change Portal, to be developed in partnership with NOAA, SPREP, Australia and New Zealand. Participants also agreed on a set of next steps, including on communications and strategizing for the Poznan Climate Change Conference in December 2008
It is envisaged that the Roundtable will meet once a year, but that smaller thematic meetings may be held as well, making full use of internet and e-mail for communication. In addition, the Roundtable launched the 2009 Pacific Year of Climate Change, as agreed to by the 19th SPREP meeting in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Pacific Climate Change Roundtable Website]

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