11 February 2011
OECD Brochure Highlights Work on Environment and Green Growth
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This brochure looks at past and future OECD work on various environmental issues, including climate change, biodiversity, eco-innovation, transport and water, and provides contact information for its environmental departments.

7 February 2011: The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has published a brochure titled “OECD Work on Environment,” which highlights past and upcoming work on a range of environmental issues, as well as key OECD publications addressing them.

With a preface by OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría highlighting the importance of OECD’s work on Green Growth, the document discusses the ecological and economic impacts of human interaction with the environment in the areas of: climate change; biodiversity; water; resource productivity and waste; eco-innovation; environmental policy tools and evaluation; safety of chemicals, pesticides, biotechnology and nanomaterials; transport; agriculture; and globalization. It also discusses how the Environment Policy Committee fits in the organizational structure of the OECD. [Publication: OECD Work on Environment]

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