24 October 2011
Latin American and Caribbean Women Publish Rio+20 Statement
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Latin American and Caribbean Women have expressed concern with the concept of the “green economy” and emphasized that sustainable development should include social, cultural and environmental agendas.

The group proposed an evaluation of the implementation of the Rio Principles, using clear indicators showing evidence of gender differentiation and fairness in general.

20 October 2011: Latin American and Caribbean Women, part of the Women Major Group, published a statement on the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) expressing concern with the concept of “green economy,” and underlining that its use could result in economic actors dominating and determining sustainable development policies.

According to the statement, the economic element of sustainable development should relate to embracing the elements and values that underpin the recognition of the rights of Mother Earth and good living. It emphasizes that sustainable development cannot focus solely on an economic agenda, but must include social, cultural, and environmental dimensions, and result in the elimination of gender discrimination.

In the statement, the group proposes: evaluating the implementation of the Rio Principles, using clear indicators showing evidence of gender differentiation and fairness in general; ensuring access to land, sea and control over natural resources, education, information on and access to environmental justice principles, social security, reproductive health care and food sovereignty for women; and commit to recognize, respect and value the knowledge of women, especially the traditional knowledge of indigenous women. [Statement of Latin American and Caribbean Women]

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