19 November 2010
JI Supervisory Committee and CDM Executive Board Annual Reports Published
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JI Supervisory Committee and CDM Executive Board reports highlight achievements and challenges faced in their supervisory roles, and will be considered in Cancun.

16 November 2010: The annual report of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Executive Board to the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP) are now available on the UNFCCC website.The JISC report to the COP/MOP (FCCC/KP/CMP/2010/9) covers the work of the JISC during the period from 24 October 2009 – 23 October 2010, and includes an annexed report on the JISC’s experience in implementing JI. The report highlights that by the end of the reporting period, 236 project design documents (PDDs) had been submitted and published on the UNFCCC website and 23 positive determinations regarding PDDs had been deemed final by the JISC. These would achieve emission reductions of approximately 370 and 35 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent respectively during the Kyoto Protocol first commitment period. It also highlights achievements and challenges faced by the JISC in its JI supervisory role, including experiences with the JI Track 2 verification procedure and challenges for JI, with a focus on post-2012 issues. It also outlines: the work undertaken in the areas of the Track 2 procedure and accreditation activities; governance matters such as outreach activities and interaction with stakeholders; recommendations for actions by the COP/MOP; and the financial status of the resources for the work on JI, including the financial projection up to 2012.

The CDM Executive Board report to the COP/MOP (FCCC/KP/CMP/2010/10) covers the work of the Board during the period from 17 October 2009 – 14 October 2010. It highlights that over the reporting period, the Board finalized 631 requests for registration and 588 requests for issuance, and that there are now more than 6,300 CDM project activities in the CDM pipeline (including registered projects and those seeking registration). If all registered projects deliver their estimated emission reductions, about 1.84 billion certified emission reductions (CERs) would be generated during the Kyoto Protocol first commitment period. The report highlights some of the work undertaken by the Board in the reporting period, including on: establishing standards and related requirements; managing entities, projects, programmes, CERs and the CDM registry; and the regional and subregional distribution of projects. It also outlines some of the achievements and challenges faced by the Board in its supervision of the CDM. Finally, the report also includes some recommendations for action by the COP/MOP, such as on the procedure for appeals against rulings by the Board regarding registration or issuance requests, and on guidelines and modalities for operationalization of a loan scheme to support the development of CDM projects in countries with fewer than 10 registered project activities.

The reports will be considered by the sixth session of the COP/MOP, scheduled to take place in Cancun, Mexico, from 29 November -10 December 2010. [JISC Report to COP/MOP 6] [CDM Executive Board Report to COP/MOP 6]

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