27 May 2011
IUCN Report Supports Further Work Towards World Heritage Nomination of Iraqi Marshlands
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A report indicates that the success of such a nomination will depend on further research on the Marshes, as well as a strong and participatory protection and management regime.

24 May 2011: A new report, titled “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management in the Iraqi Marshlands: Screening Study for Potential World Heritage Nomination,” examines data and information on the marshlands of Iraq.

The report was published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and prepared in conjunction with the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UN Educational Scientific Organization’s (UNESCO) initiative on using the World Heritage nomination and management planning process to ensure sustainable development of the Iraqi Marshlands. The Ministry of Environment of Iraq, national and international NGOs and experts also supported compilation of the report.

The report finds sufficient evidence to support further work towards a full World Heritage nomination of the Iraqi Marshlands, in relation to World Heritage natural criteria “x” (biodiversity) and “ix” (biological and ecological processes), with some potential for criterion “vii” (outstanding natural phenomena and natural beauty).

The report cautions, however, that the success of such a nomination is not assured under any of these criteria and will depend on further research, as well as the implementation of a strong and participatory protection and management regime that addresses the existing pressures, threats and management constraints to the marsh ecosystem.

The report looks at international best practice approaches applicable to the management planning process for the Marshes, and makes recommendations for adaptations and specific tools. Recommendations include: studying the pressures and threats to bird species in the Marshes, building on existing initiatives like those undertaken by the NGO Nature Iraq; and promoting transboundary cooperation throughout the Tigris-Euphrates Basin to safeguard sustainable water management of the Marshes in the long- term. [Publication: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management in the Iraqi Marshlands: Screening Study on Potential World Heritage Nomination]

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