4 August 2011
IUCN August Focus Newsletter Highlights Work to Improve Chinese Watershed
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The August 2011 “Monthly Focus” publication of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) outlines efforts to address poverty, access to water and climate change vulnerability in the Asian region, such as improving and restoring China's Miyun Reservoir.

August 2011: The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) August 2011 “Monthly Focus” publication outlines activities to address challenges in Asia, including poverty, access to water and climate change vulnerability. The newsletter indicates that this work includes various innovative initiatives in the region, such as “Mangroves for the Future” and the Mekong Water Dialogues.

The August issue also highlights efforts to restore China’s Miyun Reservoir and improve local people’s lives by lifting the logging ban in the area. As a result of the current logging ban, the newsletter notes, the Miyun forests have not been actively managed and the local communities have also become more and more disadvantaged. IUCN, through its Livelihoods and Landscapes Strategy, is working to lift the logging ban in the watershed area, improve forest management practices, enhance the livelihoods of local residents and ensure protection of Beijing’s dwindling water supply. [Publication: IUCN Monthly Focus: From Karakorum to Kalimantan]

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