9 February 2008
ITTO to host International Expert Meeting to Address Climate Change through the Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests
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The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) will convene an International Expert Meeting from 30 April-2 May in Yokohama, Japan, to promote the role of tropical forests and their sustainable management in climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The Expert Meeting is expected to clarify and illustrate the role of ITTO in climate change adaptation and mitigation […]

Head_logoThe International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) will convene an International Expert Meeting from 30 April-2 May in Yokohama, Japan, to promote the role of tropical forests and their sustainable management in climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The Expert Meeting is expected to clarify and illustrate the role of ITTO in climate change adaptation and mitigation in relation to tropical forests and to assist members in formulating and implementing an integrated forest-sector response to climate change.

A particular focus of the Expert Meeting will be given to integrating REDD and carbon sequestration as an additional criterion within the context of sustainable forest management and to formulating approaches and methods to be applied in this respect. The preliminary recommendations of the Expert Meeting will be made available to the Fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD IV), to be held in Yokohama in May 2008, the UNFCCC Workshop relating to REDD to be organized before the 29th session of the SBSTA (December 2008), and the G-8 Summit to be held in Hokkaido in July 2008.
Link | ITTO |

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