17 June 2008
story highlights

A meeting on “Operational Modalities for Future Work of the International Tropical Timber Council” was held in Accra, Ghana, from 9-12 June 2008.

Grants worth over US$3 million to assist sustainable forest management were announced at the meeting, two-thirds of which will go to projects in Africa.

The meeting began with an “Africa Day” event […]

A meeting on “Operational Modalities for Future Work of the International Tropical Timber Council” was held in Accra, Ghana, from 9-12 June 2008.

Grants worth over US$3 million to assist sustainable forest management were announced at the meeting, two-thirds of which will go to projects in Africa. The meeting began with an “Africa Day” event focusing on International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) African member countries focusing on regional challenges and development assistance needs. During the rest of the week participants addressed the entry into force of a new governing treaty, the International Tropical Timber Agreement, 2006, including the modalities of operation of new thematic programmes that will guide the Organization’s work and the functions of the Council’s subsidiary committees.
Link to further information
ITTO Media release, 11 June 2008

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