29 November 2010
ITTO Newsletter Focuses on Transboundary Conservation Areas
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The International Tropical Timber Organization's Tropical Forest Update looks at issues related to transboundary conservation of tropical forests.

November 2010: The International Tropical Timber Organization’s latest issue of Tropical Forest Update, a newsletter to promote the conservation and sustainable use of tropical forests, includes articles on various experiences with transboundary conservation areas (TCBA).

One article addresses the challenges faced by TCBAs given the effects of climate change, and another discusses the need for high-level commitment and devolution of power in governing TCBAs. Other articles focus on specific TCBAs, including TCBAs in the Congo Basin, between Nigeria and Cameroon, between Malaysia and Indonesia, and plans for one spanning parts of China, India and Nepal. An article by Tim Christophersen of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) discusses the CBD’s strategic plan, and emphasizes collectivity at the landscape scale. [Tropical Forest Update]

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