14 May 2012
IPCC Releases Provisional Agenda of 35th Session
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At its 35th session, the IPCC is scheduled to consider, inter alia: the IPCC programme and budget; future work programme of the task force on national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories (TFI); progress in the preparation of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5); the IPCC's communications strategy and outreach; the implementation of the IPCC conflict of interest (COI) policy; and the IPCC scholarship programme.

IPCCMay 2012: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released the provisional agenda of its 35th session, scheduled to take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 6-9 June 2012.

At the meeting, the IPCC is scheduled to approve the draft report of its 34th session and consider: the IPCC programme and budget; future work programme of the task force on national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories (TFI); and progress in the preparation of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). Participants will also discuss: the IPCC’s communications strategy and outreach; the review of the IPCC processes and procedures; the implementation of the IPCC conflict of interest (COI) policy; a progress report on the status of Observer Organizations; matters related to UNFCCC and other international bodies; the IPCC scholarship programme; and the time and place of the next IPCC session. [Provisional Agenda]

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