19 July 2010: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued a release in memoriam of Stephen Schneider who passed away on 19 July at the age of 65. Schneider was a prominent climate scientist and a longtime contributor to the IPCC’s work.

In the “In Memoriam” release, the IPCC Secretariat states that, with Schneider’s death “the world of climate science lost one of its greatest minds and strongest voices.” It adds that “[H]e worked tirelessly to disseminate knowledge about man-made climate change. The scientific community will deeply miss this great leader.” Schneider contributed to all four IPCC assessments, writing for every Working Group II Summary for Policy Makers as well as for the Synthesis Reports in the Third and Fourth assessments. [IPCC In Memoriam: Stephen Schneider]



