10 May 2012
International Transport Forum Releases the Transport Outlook 2012
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The International Transport Forum (ITF) released its 2012 Transport Outlook on Seamless Transport for Greener Growth.

The Outlook underscored the need for a seamless transport system for greener growth and continued technological change to reduce the transport sector's global carbon footprint.

Transport Outlook 2012May 2012: The International Transport Forum (ITF) has released its 2012 Transport Outlook on Seamless Transport for Greener Growth.

The Outlook contains three chapters on: the impact of the 2008 financial crisis on transport and near term prospects; long run developments of transport demand with a 2050 horizon; and challenges and policy priorities for the transport sector. The Outlook indicates that global passenger transport volumes in 2050 could be 2.5 times as large as in 2010 and that emissions of CO2, while growing more slowly because of increasing energy efficiency, may more than double by 2050 using a 2010 baseline. The Outlook also underscores: the need for a seamless transport system for greener growth, as well as continued technological change to alter the transportation energy base and thereby reduce the sector’s global carbon footprint.

The International Transport Forum at the OECD is an intergovernmental organisation with 53 member countries and held its Annual Summit from 2-4 May in Leipzig, Germany. [Transport Outlook 2012] [International Transport Forum: Latest Publications]