19 October 2010
International Day for Poverty Eradication Focuses on Decent Work
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ILO Director-General and UNCCD Executive Secretary delivered messages to mark the Day, highlighting the impacts of climate change on people in poverty.

17 October 2010: The International Day for Poverty Eradication was celebrated on 17 October 2010, around the theme “From Poverty to Decent Work: Bridging the Gap.”

In a message to mark the Day, Juan Somavia, Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO), underscored that attention to the quality of jobs is essential. He added that people in poverty need a floor of basic social protection to “work their way out of poverty and withstand economic and climate shocks.” Luc Gnacadja, UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Executive Secretary, outlined drylands-focused policy approaches needed to eradicate poverty in the drylands by 2015, including climate adaptation to help small holder farmers to manage risk and reduce climate-driven shocks. [ILO Statement] [UNCCD Message] [International Day for Poverty Eradication Website]

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