15 September 2016
IFAD Report: Inclusive Rural Development Key to Achieving SDGs
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The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) launched the 2016 issue of the Rural Development Report, which analyzes lessons learned from IFAD's experiences in fostering inclusive rural transformation in over 60 countries across the world.

The report, sub-titled 'Fostering Inclusive Rural Transformation,' highlights how such a transformation can contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

IFAD14 September 2016: The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) launched the 2016 issue of the Rural Development Report, which analyzes lessons learned from IFAD’s experiences in fostering inclusive rural transformation in over 60 countries across the world. The report, sub-titled ‘Fostering Inclusive Rural Transformation,’ highlights how such a transformation can contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Launched in Rome, Italy, on 14 September 2016, the report stresses that eliminating poverty in rural areas requires governments to tailor policies and investments toward inclusive rural transformation. The authors identify four categories of rural transformation into which most regions and countries fall: adapt; amplify; accelerate; and a combination of these. They suggest specific rural development strategies for each category. The report also addresses how factors such as rights to land, access to finance, gender equality, social protection, employment, and youth populations can affect interventions.

A key finding of the report is that most countries that have sustained a rapid transition away from poverty have advanced their agricultural sectors and diversified their economies. Other findings highlight: rural job creation as just as important as spurring economic growth; and the role of finance and financial services as critical to long-term transformation of rural livelihoods. It notes that two billion people lack access to regulated financial services, while 73% of poor people do not have bank accounts.

Highlighting links with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, IFAD identified fragility and instability as key causes of poverty and insecurity, underscoring the role of smallholder farmers in achieving global food security. IFAD also noted its potential to bridge gaps between humanitarian and sustainable development responses in rural areas, including by working with displaced persons, host communities and returnees.

Khalida Bouzar, IFAD, underscored the role of inclusive transformation in enabling rural communities in the Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia (NEN) region to benefit from development and participate in the economic mainstream. He added that gross domestic product (GDP) growth from agriculture “is three to four times more conducive to poverty alleviation” and is “a well-proven and good approach for tackling poverty.” Bouzar further highlighted the role of family farming, small-scale infrastructure and appropriate technologies in ensuring that smallholder farmers “produce more and better.”

Also on hunger and poverty, the UN Secretary-General released a report, titled ‘Agricultural development, good security and nutrition (A/71/283),’ which finds that the world will need to mitigate the effects of climate change, sustainably double agricultural productivity, reduce food loss and waste, and adopt healthy diets to eradicated extreme poverty and hunger. The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) released a paper analyzing the impact of global economic slowdowns on the poor and the potential for achieving the SDGs. The IFPRI paper finds that the poorest countries are likely to see the greatest slowdown in poverty reduction, and 38 million fewer people leaving extreme poverty, compared to previous projections. [UN Press Release] [IFAD Press Release] [IFAD Press Release on Launch] [Publication Website] [IFAD Interview] [Event Information] [Rural Development Report 2016] [A/71/283] [IFPRI Publication Website]

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