12 June 2012
IEA Assesses Social Acceptance of Wind Energy Projects
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The International Energy Agency (IEA) Implementing Agreement for Co-operation in the Research, Development and Deployment of Wind Energy Systems (Wind) working group on the social acceptance of wind energy projects (Task 28) released its final report titled "Winning hearts and Minds,” which reviews the working group's activities from 2008-2011.

IEA11 June 2012: The International Energy Agency (IEA) Implementing Agreement for Co-operation in the Research, Development and Deployment of Wind Energy Systems (Wind) released its final report, titled “Social Acceptance of Wind Energy Projects (Task 28) – Winning hearts and Minds,” reviewing the group’s activities on the social acceptance of wind energy developments from 2008-2011.

The report notes that lack of social acceptance remains a barrier to wind energy development, and overcoming this challenge should be the focus of policy makers, host communities, market actors and environmental organizations. The report further notes that every wind energy initiative is unique, and that local concerns must be incorporated and assuaged by adapting project designs and “winning hearts and minds” in order for wind energy developments to benefit all involved. The report suggests continuing Task 28 for another three-year period to further explore issues and strategies concerning the social acceptance of wind energy projects.

According to the report, the working group focused on the following three work packages: “State-of-the-Art,” involving the collection of information on research and implementation projects, the creation of a website and an online database, and publication of a State-of-the-Art Report; “Good Practice Recommendation,” involving the analysis of projects and case studies and the formulation of Good Practices Recommendations; and “Dissemination,” focusing on the publication of results, the website, participation at and organization of expert meetings and reporting. [Publication: Social Acceptance of Wind Energy Projects (Task 28) – Winning Hearts and Minds]