29 May 2012
IEA Launches Solar Heat Research Project for Industrial Processes
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The solar heating and cooling programme of the International Energy Agency (IEA SHC) has launched a four-year research project aimed at the growing market for solar heat in industrial processes.

In 2011, researchers from five countries analyzed the obstacles preventing industrial companies from using solar energy for their thermal energy demand.

The results highlighted a bundle of issues, which are now being addressed under the project.

IEA24 May 2012: The solar heating and cooling programme of the International Energy Agency (IEA SHC) has launched a four-year research project aimed at the growing market for solar heat in industrial processes. Researchers from IEA SHC and SolarPACES will work on hard-and software in order to make solar an even more attractive option for industrial applications.

In 2011, researchers from five countries analyzed obstacles preventing industrial companies from using solar energy for their thermal energy demand. The results highlighted a bundle of issues, which are now being addressed under the project. Issues identified include: process heat collectors– improving existing collector designs and extending test standards; overall system design– reviewing and improving the way solar thermal is integrated into industrial heating systems; and guidelines– developing monitoring tools and design guidelines. The project will run until the end of 2015 and is jointly organized with Solar PACEs programme of the IEA. [IEA SHC Press Release] [Project Webpage]