9 December 2010
IEA Calls for Proposals on Promoting Renewable Energy Growth
story highlights

The three calls concern research on enhancing wider deployment of renewables through the re-thinking of current energy systems, business models, and UNFCCC mechanisms.

December 2010: The International Energy Agency Renewable Energy Technology Deployment (IEA-RETD) Implementing Agreement has published three calls for proposals.

The first call, OPTIMUM, aims to investigate options for increasing renewable energy usage through improved system design. The output should be a vision document rethinking energy system design, and outlining ideas on how to harvest synergies in key energy demand sectors. The deadline for the call is 13 January 2011.

The second call, RE-BIZZ, looks at business models for renewable energy in the built environment. The output should be a report providing insight to policy makers and market actors on ways new business models and/or policy measures can enhance renewables deployment in the built environment. The deadline for the call is 20 January 2011.

The third call, LINK, aims to investigate linking renewables promotion policies with international carbon trade. The expected output is a scoping study describing current barriers and practices of using the flexible mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol as they relate to renewable energy deployment, proposing new approaches for improving interaction between these mechanisms and renewable energy deployment, and formulating recommendations for further work. The deadline for the call is 20 January 2011. [The Calls]