6 July 2012
IEA Bioenergy Newsletter Highlights Meeting on Commercialising Liquid Biofuels
story highlights

The newsletter covers the activities of the 69th meeting of the Executive Committee, including the appointment of a new Secretary and the collaboration with the Advanced Motor Fuels Implementing Agreement, as well as a guest editorial on “Bioenergy in Turkey,” and overviews and updates of several IEA Tasks, events and new publications.

IEA3 July 2012: The June issue of the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Bioenergy newsletter highlights activities at the 69th meeting of the IEA Bioenergy Executive Committee and Task 39 on “Commercialising Liquid Biofuels from Biomass.”

The newsletter covers several of the outcomes and activities of Executive Committee meeting, which took place in Istanbul, Turkey, from 8-10 May 2012, including: a workshop on “Planning for the new Triennium;” the appointment of Pearse Buckley as the new Secretary and Fund Administrator; a new strategic project on “Mobilising Sustainable Bioenergy Supply Chains;” collaboration with the Advanced Motor Fuels Implementing Agreement; the approval of a draft set of performance indicators for the Strategic Plan; and a revisiting of its communication strategy.

The newsletter further features a guest editorial on “Bioenergy in Turkey,” which includes an overview of market trends, Turkey’s renewable energy policy targets, and its main biomass research focus areas. The newsletter also provides an overview of Task 39 on “Commercialising Liquid Biofuels from Biomass,” as well as updates on Task 34 on “Pyrolysis of Biomass,” Task 38 on “Greenhouse Gas Balances of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems,” and Task 43 on “Biomass Feedstocks for Energy Markets.” The newsletter concludes with an overview of upcoming conferences and events, and new publications. [Publication: IEA Bioenergy Newsletter Volume 24(1) June 2012]

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