12 May 2009
story highlights

The Second Session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM2) is taking place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 11-15 May 2009.

The meeting has a heavy agenda covering a range of important issues, including: financial and technical resources for implementation; emerging policy issues; a proposal from the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS) for integration […]

The Second Session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM2) is taking place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 11-15 May 2009.

The meeting has a heavy agenda covering a range of important issues, including: financial and technical resources for implementation; emerging policy issues; a proposal from the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS) for integration of the IFCS into the ICCM; and the need to strengthen national chemicals management capacities. On the first day of ICCM2, delegates heard an opening statement by Swedish Environment Ambassador Viveka Bohn, in which she called for the creation an international panel of experts to help protect the public against the poisonous substances. Delegates also began an exchange of views on emerging issues, including nanotechnology and manufactured nanomaterials, chemicals in products, electronic waste, and lead in paint.
Links to further information
IISD RS ICCM2 Coverage
ICCM2 website

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