15 November 2013
Global Partnership Reveals Lessons for Green Growth in Greater Mekong
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Building on a June 2013 meeting on 'New Opportunities from Natural Wealth Management' in the Greater Mekong Subregion, the OSLO Consortium has identified five lessons for scaling up green growth.

The OSLO Consortium (Offering Sustainable Land-use Options) is a global partnership under the UN Convention to Combat Desertification's (UNCCD) Global Mechanism.

oslo-logo14 November 2013: Building on a June 2013 meeting on ‘New Opportunities from Natural Wealth Management’ in the Greater Mekong Subregion, the OSLO Consortium has identified five lessons for scaling up green growth. The OSLO Consortium (Offering Sustainable Land-use Options) is a partnership of research and academic institutions, international organizations and UN agencies that was founded by the UN Convention to Combat Desertification’s (UNCCD) Global Mechanism.

The Consortium calls for: integrated approaches; public-private partnerships; the cultivation of companies to act as champions; the linking of research to decision-making; accounting for the returns on responsible investment; and starting small, but including systems for growth.

The June dialogue sought to identify examples of responsible investments in natural resource intensive operations that consider natural wealth management, as well as to launch a public-private platform for continued dialogue on investment opportunities. The resulting discourse increased knowledge on options that benefit the triple bottom line, and linked stakeholders with available tools and incentives to scale up investments in natural wealth. [Global Mechanism Press Release] [Land Policy & Practice news story on the workshop and report on New Opportunities from Natural Wealth Management] [OSLO website]

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