24 July 2008
General Assembly President Urges Principled Stand on Securing a 2009 Climate Agreement
story highlights

21 July 2008: In a letter to member States, UN General Assembly President Srgjan Kerim expressed his hope that the Assembly would adopt a resolution taking a principled stand, demonstrating its relevance, and sending a strong political message in support of agreeing on a comprehensive global framework in 2009.

The General Assembly President also noted […]

General Assembly President Srgjan Kerim 21 July 2008: In a letter to member States, UN General
Assembly President Srgjan Kerim expressed his hope that the Assembly would
adopt a resolution taking a principled stand, demonstrating its relevance, and
sending a strong political message in support of agreeing on a comprehensive
global framework in 2009.

The General Assembly President also noted that, in order to
address the climate change challenge, a multistakeholder approach, with
involvement from the private sector, was needed. Kerim further stressed that
the UN is the best place to provide an integrated response to the complementary
challenges of addressing climate and achieving the Millennium Development
Goals. [UN General
Assembly President’s Letter, 21 July 2008

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