18 November 2011
GEF Highlights Community Forestry Projects in Albania
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The Global Environment Facility (GEF) highlighted the results of a community sustainable forest management project in Albania that achieved a reduction in erosion and stabilization of water supply, as well as carbon sequestration through the World Bank's BioCarbon Fund.

Albania landscape14 November 2011: The Global Environment Facility (GEF) announced positive results of a community sustainable forest management project in Albania, which succeeded in establishing forest and pasture management plans for 240 communes.

The Albania Natural Resource Development Project (NDRP), implemented in 2005-2008 with a US$5 million GEF grant and a US$7 million loan from the International Development Association (IDA) Bank IDA credit, also supported the development of a governmental staff plan for forest extension and drafts of a forest reform law, and achieved active participation from the Forest and Pasture Users Associations. The program also engaged in a carbon sequestration program, supported by the World Bank’s BioCarbon Fund.

Among the projects results are reduction in erosion, stabilization of water supply and better water quality, as well as biodiversity conservation. In order to ensure longer term financial sustainability, the project will be followed up with a US$3 million trust fund from the World Bank and Sweden’s SIDA. [GEF Press Release]

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