27 June 2002
G8 Summit 2002
story highlights

27 June 2002: The G-8 Summit took place from 26-27 June 2002 in Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada.

Convening leaders from the world’s wealthiest nations, the Summit considered the challenges of combating terrorism, strengthening global economic growth, reducing poverty and ensuring sustainable development, and discussed the challenges faced by Africa.

On the environmental front, G8 leaders agreed […]

27 June 2002: The G-8 Summit took place from 26-27 June 2002 in Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada. Convening leaders from the world’s wealthiest nations, the Summit considered the challenges of combating terrorism, strengthening global economic growth, reducing poverty and ensuring sustainable development, and discussed the challenges faced by Africa.

On the environmental front, G8 leaders agreed on the importance of reaffirming the Doha Agenda and the Monterrey Consensus and to work at the WSSD to produce meaningful partnerships, with measurable results, for sustainable development. Leaders also recognized climate change as a pressing issue requiring a global solution, and discussed the problem of deforestation. A series of recommendations to assist developing countries to achieve universal primary education for all children and equal access to education for girls was also agreed on.

The G8 also met with the Presidents of Algeria, Nigeria, Senegal and South Africa, and UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, to discuss the challenges faced by Africa, and adopted the G8 Africa Action Plan as a framework for action in support of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). Next year’s Summit will be held in France. For more information visit: http://www.g8.gc.ca/menu-e.asp

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