19 August 2014
Forest Governance Working Group Launched in Central Africa
story highlights

The Forest Governance Working Group (GTGF) of the Commission des Forets d'Afrique Centrale (COMIFAC) met the 29-30 July 2014 in order to launch the GTGF and consider its roadmap and operational plan.

comifac-cbfp31 July 2014: The Forest Governance Working Group (GTGF) of the Commission des Forets d’Afrique Centrale (COMIFAC) met the 29-30 July 2014 in order to launch the GTGF and consider its roadmap and operational plan.

The meeting recommended the development of a plan to maximize member contributions and best mobilize the technical and financial advantages of partner organizations. Participants also suggested that a single roadmap be developed in order to consolidate the different actions, priorities and enrichment plans.

With regard to the role of the GTGF, the meeting stressed the importance of ensuring that the work of the committee is aligned with the priorities and actions of COMIFAC and called for the mandate of the GTGF to be reviewed regularly.

Finally, participants planned for a workshop to share the results of a study on Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs) on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) programme as well as the development of a system to share experiences on the elaboration and implementation of forest legislation in Central Africa. [Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) Press Release] [Publication: Groupe de Travail Gouvernance Forestière d’Afrique Centrale (GTGF) Session Inaugurale des Comites d’Experts]