24 October 2007
story highlights

Hundreds of international leading figures from government, industry, academia, philanthropy and civil society met at the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting, held in late September 2007 in New York, US.

Among the commitments featured at the meeting was the commitment that the Indonesian government and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) made to address […]

Hundreds of international leading figures from government, industry, academia, philanthropy and civil society met at the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting, held in late September 2007 in New York, US.

Among the commitments featured at the meeting was the commitment that the Indonesian government and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) made to address the role of forests in climate change. The commitment plans to analyze the options for including avoided deforestation into global and national climate policy and to ensure that the risks of such policies are not borne by those least able to afford them.
Also during the meeting, the Rainforest Alliance announced a commitment to work with three global leaders in the forest products sector on increasing their use of wood from forests certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. The three companies, Domtar, Gibson Musical Instruments, and Time, pledged to increase their use of certified wood products over five years, and the Rainforest Alliance pledged to, inter alia, certify 170 million additional acres of forestland.
Links to further information
CIFOR News Release
Rainforest Alliance News Release, 26 September 2007

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