22 May 2008
FAO Stresses Link between Soil Health and Drought Mitigation
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9 May 2008: Speaking during the UN Commission on Sustainable Development’s thematic discussion on inter-linkages and across-cutting issues, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) underlined the link between soil health and drought mitigation.

The FAO representative noted that the world’s agriculture must not only guarantee food security, but also “a range of other supporting and […]

Fao9 May 2008: Speaking during the UN Commission on Sustainable Development’s thematic discussion on inter-linkages and across-cutting issues, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) underlined the link between soil health and drought mitigation. The FAO representative noted that the world’s agriculture must not only guarantee food security, but also “a range of other supporting and regulating ecosystem services, in particular nutrient cycling, the hydrological regime and carbon sequestration.”

He stressed that “preserving and regenerating soil health will contribute to all these services” and “help control floods and mitigate the effects of drought- a serious consequence of climate change.” He called for increased support for integrated planning and management of resources at the local level, making available user-friendly tools for decision support, and enhancing wise investment. [The Statement]

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