12 November 2012
FAO Releases Report on Potential Effects of Climate Change on Pollination
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FAO has released a report titled "Potential Effects of Climate Change on Crop Pollination," which underscores that while pollination services may be at risk due to climate change, many of the mechanisms causing this risk are poorly understood and thus require stronger data and research frameworks.

FAONovember 2012: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) has released a report titled “Potential Effects of Climate Change on Crop Pollination,” which stresses the central role of pollination in food systems and in conserving genetic diversity, and examines how climate change may impact the provision of pollination services.

The report stresses that the potential interactions between climate change and pollination are poorly understood and that more information is needed. It develops a framework for building greater knowledge on the topic by elaborating on data needs and recommendations. In particular, the report calls for standardized sampling protocols on pollinator activity, temperature sensitivities of pollinators, and the roles of climate variables and other threats. The report also identifies important experiments that should be undertaken to assess crop and pollinator responses to different climate scenarios. [Publication: Potential Effects of Climate Change on Crop Pollination]

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