8 March 2010
FAO Releases Aquacrop Practical Exercise
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February 2010: The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has released a new Aquacrop practical exercise, which tests users on their ability to create climate files using the Aquacrop software.

AquaCrop is the FAO crop-model to simulate yield response to water of several herbaceous crops.

It is designed to balance simplicity, accuracy and robustness, and […]

February 2010: The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has released a new Aquacrop practical exercise, which tests users on their ability to create climate files using the Aquacrop software.

AquaCrop is the FAO crop-model to simulate yield response to water of several herbaceous crops. It is designed to balance simplicity, accuracy and robustness, and is particularly suited to address conditions where water is a key limiting factor in crop production. AquaCrop includes yield prediction under climate change scenarios. The new practical exercise is accompanied by a step-by-step solution. [The exercise] [The solution] [Aquacrop Website]

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