8 February 2013
FAO, OECD Releases Workshop Report on Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change
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The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have released the proceedings from their joint workshop on Building Resilience for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Agriculture Sector, which was held from 23-24 April 2012, in Rome, Italy.

February 2013: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have released the proceedings from their joint workshop on Building Resilience for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Agriculture Sector, which was held from 23-24 April 2012, in Rome, Italy.

The proceedings include the statements of presenters, as well as academic articles on a range of agriculture and adaptation challenges. The workshop addressed issues around risk, vulnerability and resilience in the agriculture sector for producers and smallholders, and approaches to address the new risks posed by climate change. The sessions addressed resilience from different angles and participants concluded that building resilience is central to responding to future climate challenges, but that approaches must consider the different ways that climate change will impact agricultural systems.

The workshop included case studies on regional production challenges from the Mediterranean, northern climates, the Sahel region in Africa, and Southeast Asia, while country presentations, primarily from Europe and North America, focused on national policy approaches to address climate change. Sessions also attempted to document tools, policies and institutions that are designed to monitor and manage risk. [Publication: Proceedings of a Joint Workshop on Building Resilience for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Agriculture Sector] [FAO Workshop Website] [OECD Press Release]

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