17 October 2014
FAO Journal Explores Agroforestry and Urban Food Security Links in Africa
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The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) has released Volume 28, Issue 2 of its 'Nature & Faune Journal,' which focuses on 'Sustainable Natural Resources Management in Africa's Urban Food and Nutrition Equation.'

FAOOctober 2014: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) has released Volume 28, Issue 2 of its ‘Nature & Faune Journal,’ which focuses on ‘Sustainable Natural Resources Management in Africa’s Urban Food and Nutrition Equation.’

The issue features an article highlighting lessons learned on the contribution of trees to urban food supplies, gleaned from the FAO flagship publication ‘The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources.’ A second feature discusses how to capture the contributions of forests to semi-urban and urban food security.

Other articles included in the journal examine the role of urban and peri-urban forests in sustainable development, threats facing fisheries, family farming in urban settings, bushmeat demand in cities, and the use of mobile technology to improve food production.

The journal explores policy options in the seed sector and assessments of food insecurity, and also presents case studies from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Brazil. Nature and Faune is produced by the FAO Regional Office for Africa and is meant to disseminate information and promote the exchange of experiences on wildlife, protected area management and the sustainable use and conservation of natural resources in Africa. [Publication: Nature and Faune – Volume 28, Issue 2]