The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) has launched an online platform gathering existing knowledge and resources on biodiversity in agriculture to improve countries’ knowledge and capacity to implement the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), deliver on the SDGs, and achieve food security for all.

According to FAO, its members expressed the need for a searchable, web-based database of FAO resources on biodiversity in the agricultural sectors during, among other occasions, global and regional Multi-stakeholder Dialogues on Biodiversity Mainstreaming across Agricultural Sectors in the context of the elaboration of the Strategy on Mainstreaming Biodiversity across Agricultural Sectors and the 2021-2023 Action Plan for its implementation. 

Launched on 19 December 2023 to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the GBF’s adoption, the Biodiversity Knowledge Hub aims to help users access and use existing tools, guidance, and other resources on biodiversity developed by FAO. Users can turn to the Resources module to search, filter, and access a broad range of FAO resources on biodiversity in the agrifood sectors, including data, indicators, learning materials and activities, guidelines, policy advice, and tools.

The Hub’s Learning function directs users to a range of learning opportunities that are freely available to support the conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of biodiversity for food and agriculture.

The Hub’s Data and Indicators section offers access to high-quality food and agriculture statistical data that FAO collects and disseminates globally, including statistical methodologies and standards that help member countries develop statistical systems through technical assistance and capacity development. 

FAO is the custodian agency for indicators, including headline indicators and component and complementary indicators, used to measure progress towards the SDGs and the GBF’s goals and targets. It also hosts databases that monitor many of the variables that inform evidence-based policies and interventions that help ensure food security and protect biodiversity. 

The UN Biodiversity Conference adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework in December 2022 to guide biodiversity policy through a set of time-bound goals and targets to achieve a vision of living in harmony with nature by 2050. [Biodiversity Knowledge Hub] [Launch Announcement]



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