22 April 2010
European Conference on the Protection of Forests Develops Valsaín Declaration
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The European Commission and the Spanish Presidency of the EU hosted a conference on forest protection in Europe from 6-7 April 2010, in Segovia, Spain, to discuss the Green Paper on Forest Protection and Information, published by the Commission in March.

High-level representatives of the General Coordinating Committee of FOREST EUROPE, of the Ministerial Conference […]

The European Commission and the Spanish Presidency of the EU hosted a conference on forest protection in Europe from 6-7 April 2010, in Segovia, Spain, to discuss the Green Paper on Forest Protection and Information, published by the Commission in March.

High-level representatives of the General Coordinating Committee of FOREST EUROPE, of the Ministerial Conference on Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE), presented on FOREST EUROPE’s ongoing work and achievements, highlighting the role of Europe’s forests in combating climate change. Delegates adopted the Valsaín Declaration, which underlines the importance of pan-European cooperation on sustainable forest management and acknowledges the need for supporting actions that enable forests to provide lasting goods and services and to join forces to increase their quality and quantity.
Link to further information
MCPFE media release, 16 April 2010

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