30 January 2012
EUROCLIMA Launches New Website and Second Newsletter
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EUROCLIMA aims to help improve the knowledge of Latin American decision makers and scientists regarding the impact of climate change in the region, so as to facilitate integration of the issue within sustainable development strategies.

The second edition of its e-newsletter, which focuses on water and climate change in the region.

26 January 2012: EUROCLIMA, a joint environmental programme of the EU and Latin America, has launched its new website, as well as the second issue of its newsletter, which focuses on water and climate change in Latin America.
EUROCLIMA aims to help improve the knowledge of Latin American decision makers and scientists regarding the impact of climate change in the region, so as to facilitate integration of the issue within sustainable development strategies.
The second edition of its e-newsletter, which focuses on water and climate change in the region, features articles on: the “mapping of actors” in the water sector in Latin America; the variability and frequency of components of the water balance in Latin America
water quality and sanitation; and the selection by RALCEA (Latin American Network of Knowledge Centres in the Water

Sector) of research and education centres for collaboration with the Network. It also includes a list of websites and publications related to water and climate change.

The programme EUROCLIMA is carried out by the Joint Research Center (JRC), the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and EuroeAid (DG Development and Cooperation) with support from Technical Assistance. [EUROCLIMA Website] [Publication: EUROCLIMA Newsletter Issue 2]

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